Needing to rent one of our facilities?
Please check the availability calendar and rates listed. Contact us to make a reservation or for additional information. We look forward to working with you.
Parks & Rec Availability Calendar
The City of Ward Municipal building is currently unavailable until further notice. The cafeteria is a great spot for family gatherings, baby showers & more. If you are interested, please contact Parks & Recreation at (501) 843-7686 about renting the gym or City Hall Permit Office at (501) 843-7686 about renting the cafeteria. See price guide and rental agreement for more details.
PAYMENT OPTIONS - (Cash or Check only for City Cafteria or City Gym rentals)
Pay rental fee with a your credit/debit card (for an additional fee) using the link available that corresponds to your rental.
Field 1 (Lrg Field) Rental Fee $39 (includes card fee) Field 2 (Sm Field) Rental Fee $34 (includes card fee)
One Field Rental for Tournament $158 (includes card fee)
*If payment is refunded for any reason, card fees for both the payment & the refund will NOT be refunded.
Pay cash or check in the office at Ward Municipal Building (405 Hickory St) or in the locked & camera secured payment box located on the west end of the Concession Stand building.
Payment Address
City of Ward Parks and Recreation
P.O. Box 237
Ward, AR 72176